Did you know that tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) has an incredible 95% “worth it” rating on Real Self? For many, a flat and tone abdomen is just not possible without some extra help – even with a great diet and regular exercise. Childbirth will . . . Read More
Archives, Page: 88
Dr. Atagi Says: In 2013, Resolve to Be You
The beginning of a new year is a good time to think about who we are and what we hope to help our patients achieve. After all, true beauty isn’t about trying to be someone else or aspiring to another person’s standards. It’s about being you, and . . . Read More
Good-Bye to 2012!
As the year winds down, it’s time to thank all my family, friends, amazing staff and, of course, my loyal patients who made 2012 a wonderful year. One big highlight was my 50th birthday month. I have been warmed and invigorated by so many . . . Read More
Laser Hair Removal in Winter? You Bet!
The snow is falling, and you are bundled up to stay warm. Thoughts of daily shaving or regular waxing to look sleek for poolside seem like a long-lost memory. So it may seem that starting laser hair removal is the last thing on your mind. But, . . . Read More
Back By Popular Demand: Atagi’s 12 Days of Beauty Facebook Promotion
It’s December once more, and if you were our Facebook fan last year, you’ll recall that this is the month of 12 amazing flash sales on Facebook. Here’s how it works. First, if you haven’t already done so, like us on Facebook . . . Read More