While many of us think of ways to repair damaged skin, in fact there are a number of treatments that can help prevent signs of aging, as well.
In the natural cycle of human skin, cells are constantly being born, rising through the epidermal layers to the surface and falling off.
Young skin renews its surface layers every two to three weeks. Over time, our skin incurs the abuse of daily living (such as sun, stress, pollution), the cell turnover rate slows down causing the dead skin layer at the stratum corneum or surface to be thicker because old cells accumulate. Tissue repair and cell regeneration slow down. This can leave skin looking dull and less vibrant.
Because collagen production is less, the skin becomes thinner. Collagen and elastin begin to break down, causing the skin to lose its elasticity and resilience. Skin cells are disorganized and malformed. Daily exposure to sunlight causes the amount of pigment in each cell to increase, producing freckles or age spots and uneven skin tone, in addition to collagen damage.
At Atagi Plastic Surgery and Atagi Skin Aesthetics, we offer solutions and preventive measures for aging skin. Photofacials, Laser Peels, ProFractional® Laser treatments as well as physician-grade skincare and other rejuvenating treatments. Renew your skin by eliminating old cells, stimulate your skin to generate new, youthful, undamaged cells. New cells now, mean more youthful skin later.
Give us a call and one of our skincare professionals can help you plan the preventive skin care that is right for you: 303.327.7300.